Chemical analysis of water samples from 279 wells and springs in the Yucca Mountain area are presented. Where data are available, this report includes: site location expressed as Nevada Central Coordinates and latitude and longitude; source of data; name of analyzing laboratory; geologic unit from which water was obtained; lithology; water use; elevation of well or spring; well depth; depth to water; time pumped before taking the sample; yield; type of filtration; sampling method; date the sample was collected; and anion-cation balance. Nevada, the townships are south a, b, c, or d, which follow the section number, refer respectively to the northeast, northwest, southwest, and southeast quarter sections. Double letters th^t follow a section number identify a well site in a 40-acre tract. Thusjthe well number for location SW%SE% sec. 31, T. 25 N. , R. 6 E., is 25N/6E-3:.dc.