Earth-based monitoring of Mars has a long history, with researchers searching for any changes to its fuzzy, rusty colored disk. Viking Orbiter 1 and 2 presented the first orbital monitoring, orbiting Mars for a few years and providing well resolved observations of changing ice and frost, weather patterns, and other features not visible from Earth-based observatories. A gap in coverage lasted more than 20 years, and NASA returned to Mars in 1997, with the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS). MGS lived up to its name and provided the first in a series of globe-spanning observations from different spacecraft that, to this day, provide better-than-daily coverage of Mars from aerocentric orbits.Aboard MGS was the Mars Orbiter Camera, and its wide-angle camera (MOC-WA; Malin et al., 1991) in high spatial summing modes allowed it to take blue and red images of swaths of Mars with a cadence slightly better than every two hours. Those swaths built a nearly global view, every Mars day, at an approximately consistent time (early afternoon) and consistent pixel scales of ∼6.5 km/pix. Four years after MGS's science mission began, ESA's Mars Express (MEx) arrived, providing images with its engineering VIsual monitoring Camera (VIC; Ormston et al., 2011;Sánchez-Lavega et al., 2018) and science High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC;Jaumann et al., 2007). VIC is a low-resolution RGB (red-green-blue) camera and takes images at apoapsis, and HRSC is a blue, green, far-red, and near-IR (∼1 μm) camera. ISRO's Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) has the Mars Color Camera (MCC; Arya et al., 2015), an RGB camera similar to VIC which, can take full-disk images at apoapsis,