The geomagnetic core field is generated in the Earth's outer core and it reaches out several Earth radii into space, protecting our planet from solar and cosmic energetic particles (e.g., Jackson & Finlay, 2015;Korte & Mandea, 2019). The geomagnetic field is not static but constantly changing. Geomagnetic field polarity reversals and excursions have occurred numerous times in the geological past (e.g., Laj & Channell, 2015;Singer, 2014). During geomagnetic polarity transitions, the geomagnetic field strength significantly decreases and is no longer dipole-dominated. Non-dipole contributions, such as quadrupolar and octupolar fields, strongly influence the field topology Leonhardt & Fabian, 2007;Singer et al., 2019). As the geomagnetic field strength decreases during reversals or excursions, energetic particles could easily access the Earth's atmosphere. However, the details of geomagnetic field shielding and how energetic particles impact the Earth's atmosphere during geomagnetic field polarity transitions remain unclear.Geomagnetic cutoff rigidity is a quantitative estimation of the Earth's geomagnetic field shielding effect (Smart & Shea, 1994. Rigidity, momentum per unit charge of the particle, is frequently used by the cosmic ray community to study cutoff parameters (Cooke et al., 1991). At a given location, geomagnetic cutoff rigidity is Abstract Today's geomagnetic field can prevent energetic particles, including solar energetic particles and galactic cosmic rays, from directly hitting the Earth's atmosphere. However, when the geomagnetic field strength is significantly decreased during geomagnetic field excursions or reversals, the geomagnetic field shielding effect becomes less prominent. Geomagnetic cutoff rigidity, as a quantitative estimation of the shielding effect, can be calculated using trajectory tracing or theoretical equations. We use a recent highresolution continuous geomagnetic field model (LSMOD.2) to study the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity during the Laschamps excursion. Global grids of the geomagnetic cutoff rigidities are presented, in particular for the excursion midpoint when the geomagnetic field is weak and not dipole-dominated anymore at Earth's surface. We compare the cutoff rigidity calculation results between a trajectory tracing program and theoretical equations and we find that the influence of the non-dipole component of the geomagnetic field cannot be ignored during the excursion. Our results indicate that the exposure of Earth's atmosphere to energetic particles of cosmic and solar origin is high and nearly independent of latitude in the middle of the Laschamps excursion. Our results will be useful for future studies associated with cosmic radiation dose rate and cosmogenic isotope production rate during the Laschamps excursion.
Plain Language SummaryThe geomagnetic field is a natural shield, prohibiting that solar energetic particles and galactic cosmic rays directly hit the Earth's atmosphere. However, the geomagnetic field is not steady, and even polarity reversals or excurs...