We prove that a Ricci curvature based method of triangulation of compact Riemannian manifolds, due to Grove and Petersen, extends to the context of weighted Riemannian manifolds and more general metric measure spaces. In both cases the role of the lower bound on Ricci curvature is replaced by the curvature-dimension condition CD(K, N ). We show also that for weighted Riemannian manifolds the triangulation can be improved to become a thick one and that, in consequence, such manifolds admit weight-sensitive quasimeromorphic mappings. An application of this last result to information manifolds is considered.Further more, we extend to weak CD(K, N ) spaces the results of Kanai regarding the discretization of manifolds, and show that the volume growth of such a space is the same as that of any of its discretizations.1 2 EMIL SAUCAN without any modifications to metric measure spaces (except, of course, the obvious necessary adaptations to the more general context).The reason behind this is dual: On one hand there exists a feeling in the community, that, although the tools and results developed by Gromov, Lott, Villani, Sturm and others are most elegant, they lack, so far, any concrete and efficient application. We wish, therefore, to further emphasize that the notions of curvatures for metric measure spaces are highly natural by giving an extension of a classical problem and its (also classical) solution, to the new context. On the other hand, it appears that there exists a real interest in the triangulation and representation of the information manifold, that is the space of parameterized probability measures (or the statistical model) equipped with the Riemannian metric induced by the Fischer information metric onto the Euclidean sphere (see Section 4.1.3 below).The reminder of this paper is structured as follows: As already mentioned above, we present, in Section 2, the construction of Grove and Petersen. (This and the following section are the most "didactic", thus we proceed rather slowly; however, afterwards the pace of the exposition will become more brisk.) Next, in Section 3, we introduce the necessary notions and results regarding curvatures of metric measure spaces. (Unfortunately, the style is rather technical, since we had to cover quite a large number of definitions and results.) Section 4 constitutes the heart of our paper, in the sense that we show therein how to extend Grove-Petersen construction to the metric measure setting. We follow, in Sections 5, with an extension, to weak CD(K, N ) spaces, of Kanai's results regarding the discretization of manifolds, and show, in particular, that the volume growth of such a space coincides with that of any of its discretizations. In a sense, this represents the second part of the present paper, related to, yet distinct, from the main triangulation problem considered in the previous sections. We conclude, in Section 6, with a few very brief remarks.