Stiffness matrix of manipulators with passive joints: computational aspects 1 Abstract-The paper focuses on stiffness matrix computation for manipulators with passive joints, compliant actuators and flexible links. It proposes both explicit analytical expressions and an efficient recursive procedure that are applicable in the general case and allow obtaining the desired matrix either in analytical or numerical form. Advantages of the developed technique and its ability to produce both singular and non-singular stiffness matrices are illustrated by application examples that deal with stiffness modeling of two Stewart-Gough platforms.Index Terms-stiffness modeling, parallel manipulators, passive joints, recursive computations I. INTRODUCTION N many applications, manipulator stiffness becomes one of the most important performance measures of a robotic system. To evaluate stiffness properties, several methods can be applied such as Finite Element Analysis, Matrix Structural Analysis and Virtual Joint Modeling (VJM) [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12], where the last one is the most attractive in robotic domain since it operates with an extension of the traditional rigid model that is completed by a set of compliant virtual joints (localized springs), which describe elastic properties of the links, joints and actuators. This paper contributes to the VJM-based technique and focuses on some particularities of the manipulators with passive joints.For conventional serial manipulators (without passive joints, whose stiffness is equal to zero), the VJM approach yields rather simple analytical presentation of the desired stiffness matrix C K . Relevant expression
Jis the corresponding kinematic Jacobian. Further, this result was extended by Gosselin for the case of parallel manipulators (with numerous passive joints) assuming that the manipulator structure is not over-constrained [2]. For more general case, that includes overconstrained architectures, a solution was proposed in our previous work [13], but the