Light carries spin and orbital angular momentum. These dynamical properties are determined by the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light. Modern nanooptics, photonics, and plasmonics, tend to explore subwavelength scales and additional degrees of freedom of structured, i.e., spatially-inhomogeneous, optical fields. In such fields, spin and orbital properties become strongly coupled with each other. We overview the fundamental origins and important applications of the main spin-orbit interaction phenomena in optics. These include: spin-Hall effects in inhomogeneous media and at optical interfaces, spin-dependent effects in nonparaxial (focused or scattered) fields, spin-controlled shaping of light using anisotropic structured interfaces (metasurfaces), as well as robust spin-directional coupling via evanescent near fields. We show that spin-orbit interactions are inherent in all basic optical processes, and they play a crucial role at subwavelength scales and structures in modern optics.Light consists of electromagnetic waves that oscillate in time and propagate in space. Scalar waves are described by their intensity and phase distributions. These are spatial (orbital) degrees of freedom, common for all types of waves, either classical or quantum. In particular, propagation of a wave is associated with its phase gradient, i.e., the wavevector or momentum. Importantly, electromagnetic waves are described by vector fields 1 . Therefore, light also possesses intrinsic polarization degrees of freedom, which are associated with the directions of the electric and magnetic fields oscillating in time. In the quantum picture, the right-hand and left-hand circular polarizations, with the electric and magnetic fields rotating about the wavevector direction, correspond to two spin states of photons 2 .Recently there has been enormous interest in spin-orbit interactions (SOI) of light. These are striking optical phenomena where the spin (circular polarization) affects and controls the spatial degrees of freedom of light 3-6 . The intrinsic SOI of light originate from fundamental properties of the Maxwell equations 7,8 and are analogous to the spin-orbit interactions of relativistic quantum particles 2,9,10 and electrons in solids 11,12 . Therefore, fine SOI phenomena appear in all basic optical processes and require revisiting traditional approaches to many optical problems. To mention the most representative examples:(i) A circularly polarized laser beam reflected or refracted at a dielectric interface does not propagate in the original plane but experiences a tiny transverse spin-dependent shift out of this plane. This is a manifestation of the spin-Hall effect of light [13][14][15][16][17][18][19] .(ii) Focusing of circularly-polarized light by a high-numerical-aperture lens results in the generation of a spin-dependent optical vortex (i.e., helical phase producing orbital angular momentum) in the focal field. This is an example of the spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in nonparaxial fields [20][21][...