In the context of F-theory, we study the related eight dimensional super-YangMills theory and reveal the underlying supersymmetric quantum mechanics algebra that the fermionic fields localized on the corresponding defect theory are related to. Particularly, the localized fermionic fields constitute a graded vector space, and in turn this graded space enriches the geometric structures that can be built on the initial eight-dimensional space. We construct the implied composite fibre bundles, which include the graded affine vector space and demonstrate that the composite sections of this fibre bundle are in one-to-one correspondence to the sections of the square root of the canonical bundle corresponding to the submanifold on which the zero modes are localized.
IntroductionString theory has proven to be the most promising theory towards the unified description of all forces and matter in nature. Particularly, it encompasses in its theoretical framework gravity and a large number of field theoretic features such as, supersymmetry, chiral matter and spontaneous symmetry breaking. The appealing attribute of string theory is that it can provide consistent UV completion of many field theoretic models because it can accommodate quite successfully supersymmetric grand unified theories. M-theory embodies all the different string theories that describe independently various features of the UV completions of the Standard Model (SM hereafter), with the various branches of M-theory being connected with dualities, a strong tool towards a non-perturbative description. However, certain branches of M-theory prove to be more efficient in realizing SM phenomenological features, than others. Particularly, type IIB string theory and the strongly coupled version of it, F-theory (for an important stream of papers on F-theory see and for reviews on F-theory see [4][5][6]) embody many phenomenological features of the SM. The most appealing feature of these theories is that these allow gauge *