We introduce a notion of continuous crystal analogous, for general Coxeter groups, to the combinatorial crystals introduced by Kashiwara in representation theory of Lie algebras. We explore their main properties in the case of finite Coxeter groups, where we use a generalization of the Littelmann path model to show the existence of the crystals. We introduce a remarkable measure, analogous to the Duistermaat-Heckman measure, which we interpret in terms of Brownian motion. We also show that the Littelmann path operators can be derived from simple considerations on Sturm-Liouville equations.By theorem 5.5, J λ (z) = E(e z,η(s) |σ(P w0 η(a), a ≤ s) when P w0 η(s) = λ and, since τ s η and η have the same law, J µ (z) = E(e z,τsη(t) |σ(P w0 τ s η(b), b ≤ t)) when P w0 τ s η(t) = µ. Therefore E(e z,η(s+t) |G s,t ) = J λ (z)J µ (z).On the other hand, by lemma 4.12, G s,t is contained in σ(P w0 η(r), r ≤ s + t), thus E(e z,η(s+t) |G s,t ) = E(E(e z,η(s+t) |σ(P w0 η(r), r ≤ s + t))|G s,t ) = E(J z (P w0 η(s + t))|G s,t ). It thus follows from theorem 5.15 thatTherefore, for all z ∈ V * ,By injectivity of the Fourier-Laplace transform this implies thatThe positive product formula gives a positive answer to a question of Rösler [35] for the radial Dunkl kernel. It shows that one can generalize the structure