The control of kinematically redundant robots is often approached using nullspace projection, which requires precise models and can be computationally challenging. Humans have many more degrees of freedom than are required to accomplish their tasks, but given neuro-mechanical limitations, it seems unlikely that biology relies on precise models or complex computation. An alternative biologically-inspired approach leverages the compositionality of mechanical impedance. In theory, nullspace projection eliminates any conflict between two tasks. In contrast, superposition of task-space impedance and a full-rank joint-space impedance may impose a task conflict. This work compared nullspace projection with impedance superposition during unconstrained motion and forceful physical interaction. In practice, despite their theoretical differences, we did not observe a substantial influence of the nullspace projector weighting matrix. We found that nullspace projection and impedance superposition both resulted in measurable task conflict. Remarkably, when the dimensionality of the nullspace was increased, impedance superposition was comparable to nullspace projection.