We re port geomicrobiological anal y sis of acid wa ter res er voirs and Acid Mine Drain age (AMD) de vel oped in the weath er ing zone of py rite-bear ing schists near the closed-down py rite mine in Wieoeciszowice (southwest ern Po land). The anal y sis focused on two res er voirs char ac ter ized by dif fer ent phys i cal and chem i cal prop er ties (pH, re dox po ten tial, con tent of sulphates and heavy met als), em pha siz ing geomicrobiological re la tion ships tak ing place in this AMD set ting and de scrib ing the mi cro bi o log i cal pro cesses that sig nif i cantly in flu ence biogeochemical cy cles of sul phur and iron in the wa ter res er voirs ana lysed. The res er voir wa ter also har bours nu mer ous large, or ga nized mi cro bial struc tures in the form of stream ers, studied in de tail here us ing op ti cal and elec tron mi cros copy and by mi cro bi o log i cal cul ti va tion and mo lec u lar meth ods. The Wieoeciszowice mine slime stream ers are char ac ter ized by the co-oc cur rence of typ i cal chemolithoautotrophic mi cro or ganisms ox i diz ing sul phur and iron to gether with sul phate-re duc ing bac te ria. These struc tures prob a bly de pend on the oc currence of iron(II) in the sur round ing en vi ron ment.