The rate of heat transfer from a solid wall to a gas mixture can be substantially affected by rapid reversible homogeneous reactions occurring between components in the gaseous mixture. The thermal gradients cause gradients in the equilibrium gas concentrations and thus produce enthalpy fluxes due to counter diffusion of reactants and products. For energetic chemical reactions these enthalpy fluxes can increase the net rate of heat transfer many fold. Examples of this phenomenon include air dissociation effects upon the rate of heat transfer to re-entering missiles and satellites (1,7,12,14,15,17,22) and the very high heat transfer coefficients observed when heat is transferred to nitrogen tetroxide-nitrogen dioxide mixtures ( 3 , 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 2 0 ) .When the homogeneous reaction rate is large relative to rates of diffusion within the boundary layer, the temperature and composition profiles through the boundary layer will correspond approximately to local chemical equilibrium. In this case heat transfer rates can be predicted by correlations for physical heat transfer except that effective values of the thermal conductivity and the heat capacity of the gas mixture are used ( 3 , 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 2 0 ) . The effective equilibrium thermal conductivity and heat capacity of a reacting gas mixture can be substantially greater than the thermal conductivity and heat capacity that the mixture would have if the chemical reactions were frozen. Furthermore these effective properties will generally show much greater variations with temperature than the corresponding properties for gaseous mixtures undergoing no chemical reactions, and the variations with temperature must be considered in order to accurately account for observed heat transfer rates with large temperature driving forces. If the homogeneous reaction rate is high enough to cause the chemical reaction to have a substantial effect upon the heat transfer rate but is not high enough to justify the assumption of local chemical equilibrium, the use of effective thermal properties appears not to be a fruitful approach for predicting the rate of heat transfer. In this case the effective properties would be found to vary with the boundary-layer thickness and thus with the gas flow rate past the solid wall. The effect af a simultaneous chemical reaction of finite rate upon turbulent heat transfer is similar in many respects to the effect upon heat conduction in a stagnant gas layer, which is discussed by Brokaw ( 4 ) .In a recent publication ( 2 ) a theoretical solution was presented for the effect of a simultaneous chemical reaction of finite rate upon the rate of heat transfer between il wall and a reacting gas mixture. The analysis was based upon a film-theory model. By limiting the analysis to the case of a very small temperature driving force the reaction kinetic equation was linearized, and thus the results were given general expression in terms of the partial derivatives of arbitrary reaction kinetic equations. Speculation was presented to suggest that th...