Regions densely populated with archaeological monuments pose significant challenges for construction investors and archaeologists during the planning stages of major construction projects. Recognising the archaeological potential of these areas is crucial for planning effective rescue excavations, which have become a standard procedure in construction. This study explores the utility of non-invasive prospection techniques, including artefact field surveys, multispectral imaging, and magnetic surveys, in assessing the area chosen for the I/16 Slaný–Velvary road construction. We specifically focused on the contributions these methods make towards understanding the archaeological context of the proposed construction site. The findings from the magnetic survey were compared with the results of actual archaeological excavations. Through manual visual analysis and statistical spatial correlation, we assessed the effectiveness of the magnetic survey. The ability of magnetic survey to locate different types of archaeological objects proved to be dependent on various factors. The variability of the environmental setting, particularly pedological and geological conditions, is essential. However, the modern anthropogenic impact and the very nature of individual archaeological objects, especially their dimensions, also play an essential role.