Older adults are at a higher risk for numerous oral and systemic diseases. Oral conditions experienced by the elderly are believed to be cumulative. The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between early childhood dental care practices/experiences and perceived oral health needs of persons 60 years of age and older who are participants of three West Virginia facilities for the elderly (N=90). Individuals were interviewed utilizing a two-part 21-item survey. Data analyses, including analysis of variance and tests of chi square, were conducted using the JMP program. Although individuals felt dental health was important, the majority did not have a dentist of record as a child and were edentulous. Results revealed a direct correlation in caries experience as a child and caries experience as an adult (p<. 05). It can be concluded that the lack of early dental intervention has a strong impact on dental health practices and oral health status of adults. iii DEDICATION To my parents, John and Cyndy, my sister Gina, my favorite Aunt Patty, Uncle Frank, cousin Beth Anne, and Darin who have provided me with unrelenting love, support, and encouragement while accomplishing my educational endeavors. guidance, expertise, and most of all friendship throughout my graduate education. Dr. Richard Briggs and Suzanne Leizear for their expert advice, encouragement and patience throughout all stages of this research study. Dr. Lynn Gilbert and her assistant Toni Cottrell for their time and encouragement throughout the interview process. Calhoun County Committee on Aging, Minnora, and Bramblewood sites for their willingness to provide the schedule for the interviewer. Mark McIntyre from Procter and Gamble for donating Fixodent kits, toothbrushes, and toothpaste. Loreen Hurley for all of her time, patience, and secretarial expertise. It was greatly appreciated. Dr. Ergoden Gunel for his guidance with the statistical analysis. Yetta Bretzman for her time, computer expertise, and friendship. Dr. Michael Bagby for his time and helpful suggestions. v Carol Spear, Shari Austin, and Stacey Winkler for lending an ear and a hand when things became frustrating. Michelle Howell, a wonderful colleague, has provided support from North Carolina by reading, revising, and offering exceptional advice throughout the thesis. And finally, a special thank you to Darin Watson for his encouragement and support throughout my masters work. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS `