RNA fractions rich in immunoglobulin light (L)chain mRNA were isolated from mouse myeloma MOPC 41 by procedures previously described, and chemically labeled with 125I. These RNA fractions were hybridized with MOPC 41 DNA under conditions of DNA excess. Hybridization conditions were chosen under which the entire sequence of the L-chain mRNA probe, thus including the variable region, remains available for hybridization throughout the reaction. The hybridization (Cot) sary for such hybridizations in DNA excess, the mRNA was labeled chemically with '25I (7), a procedure that preserves the specificity and the rate of hybridization of RNA (8). The probe used contains, therefore, the entire V and C sequences, as well as the untranslated regions (9, 10). So far, there have been two limitations of such studies: (i) the lack of control of the fate of the [125I]mRNA probe during the course of hybridization and the possibility that the observed extensive RNA breakdown could be nonrandom; and (ii) the finding of two distinct transitions in the hybridization profile, corresponding to components with different gene reiteration frequencies (11-17).In this paper, an extension of preliminary reports (18), we present data obtained under hybridization conditions allowing the entire sequence of the L-chain mRNA probe, including, therefore, the V region, to remain available for hybridization throughout the reaction. Moreover, as the result of further purification of the mRNA, only a single transition is now observed in the hybridization kinetics, corresponding to two to four genes.
MATERIALS AND METHODSPurification and Iodination of L-Chain mRNA. Mouse myeloma tumors were obtained originally from Dr. M. Potter (N.I.H.). Preparation of the polysomes, extraction of polysomal RNA, fractionation of RNA by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography, and isolation of 14S mRNA coding for the L chain of MOPC 41 myeloma were performed as described earlier (3,9). 14S RNA, representing the peak fraction of the two successive sucrose gradients, was further fractionated by preparative gel electrophoresis using 4.5% polyacrylamide gels in 99% formamide (19). After elution of the RNA from individual 1-mm slices (see legend of Fig. 1), aliquots were assayed in a wheat-germ cell-free system (21) and RNA from the main band in Fig. 1, where L-chain mRNA is located, was used for iodination. Iodination of RNA was performed according to the procedure of Prensky et al. (7) with slight modifications: optimal iodination was obtained in the presence of 0.01 mM KI, in addition to Na'25I (Amersham, IMS 30), 0.8 mCi in a volume of 20 ,l. Iodinated RNA was passed through a column of Sephadex G-75 (0.6 X 7 cm) in 2 mM EDTA, heated at 600 for 20 min as described (22), and passed through a second G-75 column. After ethanol precipitation, ['"I]RNA was centrifuged through a sucrose gradient (3), where it sedimented as a peak of 13-14 S. The peak fraction was precipitated and stored in ethanol at -200. The specific activity of [125I]RNA was between 5 and 10 X 107 cpm...