Leiomyoma with bizarre nuclei (LM-BN) is an uncommon tumor with histologic features (mononucleated or multinucleated bizarre cells that may have a diffuse distribution, prominent nucleoli, and karyorrhectic nuclei that may mimic atypical mitoses) that often causes confusion with leiomyosarcoma. Fifty-nine LM-BNs were collected from our consultation files over the years 2000 to 2011. Features recorded included patient age, therapy, tumor size, border, gross appearance, density and distribution of BN, mitotic count, karyorrhectic nuclei, prominent nucleoli, cells with conspicuous dense eosinophilic cytoplasm (rhabdoid-like), vascular changes and type of vasculature, and presence of necrosis and its nature. Follow-up information was obtained for all patients. Patients ranged in age from 25 to 75 (average 45) years (11 patients between 25 and 35 y, 20 between 36 and 45 y, 22 between 46 and 55 y, and 6 between 56 and 75 y). Forty-two underwent hysterectomy and 17 myomectomy. For 51 tumors gross findings were known. Forty (78%) had a solid white and whorled cut surface and 11 (22%) a yellow appearance. Five (10%) neoplasms showed prominent cystic degeneration, and hemorrhage and/or necrosis was seen in 9 (18%). Forty-five LM-BNs had a pushing margin with the surrounding myometrium, whereas 1 showed irregular borders. Margins could not be ascertained in the slides available in 13 cases. Twenty-eight (48%), 19 (32%), and 12 (20%) LM-BN showed low, intermediate, and high BN density. Eighteen (30%) tumors showed diffuse, 26 (44%) showed multifocal, and 15 (26%) had focal BN distribution. Mitotic counts ranged from 0 to 7/10 high-power fields (HPF) (average 1 to 2/10 HPF). Thirty-seven (63%) had <2/10 HPF, 19 (32%) had 2 to 5 mitoses/10 HPF, and in 3 tumors (5%) mitotic counts were 6, 7, and 7/10 HPF (2 with focal and 1 with diffuse BN). All but 4 LM-BNs showed karyorrhectic nuclei, striking in 12 neoplasms, mimicking atypical mitoses. Nineteen (32%) LMs had prominent eosinophilic nucleoli surrounded by a clear halo. Ischemic necrosis was detected in 21 (36%) LM-BN. Rhabdoid-like cells were noted in 24 (41%) tumors. All patients had no evidence of recurrence, ranging from 1 to 13 years (overall average 6 y; in patients with myomectomy 6.3 y with a range of 2.6 to 11 y). Our results corroborate that LM-BN is associated with a favorable outcome even in those patients only treated by myomectomy and highlights that a conservative approach can be undertaken in these patients, as many of them are of reproductive age. Because of the favorable outcome, the term LM-BN is preferable to alternative terminology including "atypical leiomyoma."