DOI: 10.1021/jp108320j
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Giant Improvement of the Performance of ZnO Nanowire Photodetectors by Au Nanoparticles

Abstract: ZnO nanowire photodetectors with and without Au nanoparticles have been fabricated and investigated. The dark current decreases by 2 orders of magnitude and the ratio of photo current to dark current increases after covering with Au nanoparticles. Meanwhile, the decorated Au nanoparticles can drastically improve the response speed of ZnO nanowire photodetectors. A physical model based on band energy theory was developed to illustrate the origin of the improvement of performance for ZnO nanowire photodetector a… Show more

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Cited by 340 publications
(279 citation statements)
References 33 publications
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“…Such superb optical properties can be ascribed to their unique geometry: unlike the conventional solid gold nanoparticles with only one exterior surface, the HGNs have one more surface within the cavity. The two faces are able to facilitate coupling at light illumination, thus leading to relatively large field enhancement [41]. which is highly beneficial for light detection.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Such superb optical properties can be ascribed to their unique geometry: unlike the conventional solid gold nanoparticles with only one exterior surface, the HGNs have one more surface within the cavity. The two faces are able to facilitate coupling at light illumination, thus leading to relatively large field enhancement [41]. which is highly beneficial for light detection.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For instance, Sakurai et al developed a high performance Au nanoparticles@ZnO nanowire photodetectors. It was observed that the dark current decrease by 100 times and the on/off ratio was considerably increased after decoration of plasmonic Au nanoparticles [18]. Moreover, Hu's group observed that a large enhancement of photocurrent response is obtained by decorating multi-layer MoS 2 with plasmonic gold nanoparticles array.…”
confidence: 99%
“…In addition, functional devices consisting of a noble metal (e.g., Au [132,133] and Ag [134][135][136][137]) coated on semiconductor nanostructures have inspired extensive research effort. Such devices can realize superior optoelectronic properties to those without a metal coating because their LSPR effect leads to strong scattering and absorption of incident light, efficient separation of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, and rapid transport of charge carriers at the metal/semiconductor interface.…”
Section: Photodetectorsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Such devices can realize superior optoelectronic properties to those without a metal coating because their LSPR effect leads to strong scattering and absorption of incident light, efficient separation of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, and rapid transport of charge carriers at the metal/semiconductor interface. Liu and coworkers fabricated ZnO nanowire photodetectors coated with Au nanoparticles [132]. The ratio of photocurrent to dark current of the ZnO photodetector with Au nanoparticles reached up to 5 × 10 6 , which was much larger than that of the device without Au nanoparticles (around 10 3 ).…”
Section: Photodetectorsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…On many MO-NW light sensors, these surface effects lead to obtain photoresponse values well beyond those achieved in mesoscopic devices, at the expense of showing long recovery times. 10,11 Unfortunately, these slow transients hinder their practical application in many fields.…”
confidence: 99%