“…To this end, various magneto-optic coupling materials have been fabricated, such as single-phased thin films (e.g., Fe and Ni), − multilayer films (e.g., Fe/Cr/Fe and Au/Co/Au), , and nanostructured films (e.g., split-ring nanoantennas). , Among these candidates, nanostructures with magneto-optic coupling have received considerable interest due to their unique geometry that are used in applications such as label-free detection in biosensors , and high-speed applications in communication devices. , These nanostructures typically consist of either one or multiple metals fabricated into different arrays consisting of nanodisks, − nanoparticles, , or nanorods. , By fabricating these metals into different nanostructures, their plasmon response is enhanced and new functionality emerges . Typically, lithography and multistep growth are used to fabricate these different structural arrays. − …”