Mediterranean basin exposed to ongoing processes of erosion and deformation. Neotectonics is the study of the geological processes involved in the deformation of the Earth’s crust. The topography of the terrain is greatly impacted by these neotectonic events, which has a considerable impact on the drainage pattern and general geomorphology of the region. In this work, the active tectonics were evaluated using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and several Geomorphic Indices in the Ain Zerga region of Northeast Algeria. Asymmetry factor, basin form, the ratio of valley floor width to valley height, the sinuosity of mountain fronts, hypsometric integral, hypsometric curve, and transverse topographic symmetry factor were some of the indices used. These findings emphasize the tremendous tectonic activity that exists in the study area. In comparison to sub-watershed N°2, sub-watersheds N°1, N°3, and N°4 had stronger tectonic activity, according to the examination of these geomorphic indicators. The Relative Tectonic Activity Index (Iat) distribution pattern, which concurred with other pieces of information such as stream deflection and lineament analysis, corroborated these conclusions. We were able to learn a lot about the different levels of tectonic activity in the sub-watersheds by using traditional geomorphic indices. The tectonic activity-exhibiting basins consistently displayed connections with structural disturbances, basin geometry, and field research. Geomorphic indices and morphometric characteristics were used to identify tectonically active zones in a portion of the Mellegue transboundary basin, which shows a considerable influence of neotectonic activity in a portion of the Neogene basin.