Abstract-The proposed framework shows the customized approach that improves the software development process by using the Agile techniques. The proposed research work b lends the CMMI practices according to Agile methods of development (specially Scru m, because Scru m is extremely used by Pakistani firms) CMMI is a model for the process improvement within organization, but it is too expensive to implement all practices of CMMI for each level. So for small size organizat ions, at level 2, 3 there are some practices which are helpful in managing and defining their software develop ment process. By imp lementing the proposed framework, organizations can improve their maturity and capability level.There are several problems wh ile working on Agile, many management areas can be neglected. In SCXTREM E there are eight process area selected from CMMI and fit them according to Agile, so agile can be suitable for Pakistani organization by imp lementing some process area at level 2 and level 3.