Development of lithium disilicate‐based glass‐ceramics critically depends on use of nucleating agent in the glass matrix. The present study reports the effect of externally added nucleating agent Li3PO4 in Li2O–K2O–MgO–ZnO–ZrO2–Al2O3–SiO2 system which is compared with a reference composition (GC1) (SiO2:Li2O = 2.16:1) prepared with in situ formed Li3PO4. For externally added Li3PO4, two compositions were studied. In one case (GC2) before addition of Li3PO4, SiO2:Li2O ratio in glass was maintained as 2.87:1 and in another case (GC3) SiO2:Li2O ratio in glass was maintained same as reference GC1 that is, 2.16:1. The glasses were characterized by using MAS‐NMR spectroscopy. Sintering and crystallization behavior of the glass‐ceramics was characterized by using XRD, SEM, DTA. Due to in situ formation of Li3PO4, GC1 resulted in a dense sample with finer crystals of lithium disilicate. In GC2 and GC3, externally added lithium phosphate, which was in the form of ultrafine aggregated particles, formed flower‐like colonies of radially outward crystals. Higher SiO2:Li2O ratio in GC2 resulted in lithium disilicate crystals and high viscous glass causing large air entrapment and so less densification. GC3 with higher lithia in glass showed higher densification than GC2 but only lithium metasilicate crystals were formed.