Re con struct ing sea son al ity us ing d 18 O in in cre men tal lay ers of hu man enamel: a test of the an a lyt i cal pro to col de vel oped for SHRIMP IIe/MC ion microprobe Ewa A num ber of re cent stud ies deal ing with palaeoclimate and en vi ron men tal re con struc tion in clude the mea sure ment of ox ygen iso tope com po si tion of mam ma lian teeth. Some of them ana lyse a tem po ral se quence of the changes re corded in bioapatite from enamel lay ers rep re sent ing the whole pe riod of tooth de vel op ment. Enamel sam ples dis play large intra-tooth d 18 O vari a tions that may re flect a sea sonal fluc tu a tion in the d 18 O of lo cal palaeoclimate pa ram e ters. The pres ent pa per provides an ef fec tive an a lyt i cal pro to col for se quen tial d 18 O anal y sis of hu man teeth us ing SHRIMP IIe/MC ion microprobe. It is pos si ble to fol low the in ner enamel layer along enamel-dentine junc tion on a high spa tial scale in a range about 0.02 mm of spot di am e ter and 0.12-0.14 mm of the dis tance be tween spots. Us ing the meth od ol ogy de scribed herein, we can achieve an ex ter nal pre ci sion for d 18 O anal y sis <0.2‰ (1s). The num ber of 60 to 90 sin gle anal y ses cov er ing the enamel layer between the incisal and api cal ends is enough to ob tain tem po ral res o lu tion of less than one month and to doc u ment pre cisely sea sonal fluc tu a tion caused by lo cal en vi ron men tal and cli mate fac tors. The meth od ol ogy of d 18 O in situ mea sure ments has been tested on hu man teeth from Tell Majnuna, a 4th mil len nium BCE cem e tery in North ern Mes o po ta mia, which is a rel atively arid area with high sea sonal dif fer ences in pre cip i ta tion and tem per a ture. Ob served pat tern of d 18 O vari a tions is consis tent with ex pected sea sonal fluc tu a tions, al though the over all ef fect is blurred by some in er tia in the enamel mat u ra tion.Key words: palaeoclimate, bioapatite, hu man teeth, se quen tial microsampling, Mid dle East, Mes o po ta mia.
INTRODUCTIONOx y gen iso tope anal y sis of den tal enamel is a pow er ful tool for palaeo bio logi cal and ar chae o log i cal stud ies as an in di ca tor of the pa ram e ters of phys i ol ogy, nat u ral en vi ron ment and hab itat pref er ences. A par tic u larly prom is ing ap proach is to measure intra-tooth vari a tion (Ballase, 2003;Blaise and Balasse, 2011;Stevens et al., 2011), be cause teeth ac cu mu late a sequence of sig nif i cant iso to pic in for ma tion cov er ing the short time of enamel bioapatite pro gres sive for ma tion.The ox y gen iso tope in ves ti ga tions of mam ma lian den tal enamel are based on a few gen eral as sump tions that:-the tis sues of or gan ism iso to pi cally equil i brated with their en vi ron ment will re flect the lo cal en vi ron men tal oxy gen ra tio; -iso to pic sig na ture of skel e tal tis sues is di rectly re lated to that of the lo cal drink ing wa ter; -bioapatite, the main com po nent of teeth, is rel a tively most re sis tant to diagenetic pro cesses and pre serves it...