Although the boreal region is warming twice as fast as the global average, the way in which the vast boreal forests and tundras may respond is poorly understood. Using satellite data, we reveal marked alternative modes in the frequency distributions of boreal tree cover. At the northern end and at the dry continental southern extremes, treeless tundra and steppe, respectively, are the only possible states. However, over a broad intermediate temperature range, these treeless states coexist with boreal forest (∼75% tree cover) and with two more open woodland states (∼20% and ∼45% tree cover). Intermediate tree covers (e.g., ∼10%, ∼30%, and ∼60% tree cover) between these distinct states are relatively rare, suggesting that they may represent unstable states where the system dwells only transiently. Mechanisms for such instabilities remain to be unraveled, but our results have important implications for the anticipated response of these ecosystems to climatic change. The data reveal that boreal forest shows no gradual decline in tree cover toward its limits. Instead, our analysis suggests that it becomes less resilient in the sense that it may more easily shift into a sparse woodland or treeless state. Similarly, the relative scarcity of the intermediate ∼10% tree cover suggests that tundra may shift relatively abruptly to a more abundant tree cover. If our inferences are correct, climate change may invoke massive nonlinear shifts in boreal biomes.remote sensing | tipping point | resilience | permafrost | wildfire T he boreal forest is one of the most extensive biomes on Earth.Together with tundra, it is warming more rapidly than other biomes-approximately twice as fast as the global average (1). Warming has already caused extensive thawing of permafrost, accompanied with changes in hydrology, which are likely driving changes in vegetation, wildfires, and insect outbreaks (2, 3). Despite these major changes, the potential response of boreal systems to further climate change is poorly understood. One of the big questions is whether boreal biomes will change gradually, as assumed by most dynamic vegetation models (4, 5), or might have tipping points where changing conditions can invoke critical transitions.Many factors, including fire, insects, climate, permafrost, and human land use, play a role in vegetation dynamics in the boreal region (2, 3, 6, 7). However, although detailed studies have revealed separate mechanisms, an understanding of large-scale stability properties and dynamics cannot easily be constructed from these separate elements. To address the question of potential critical transitions, we therefore complement the existing studies by analyzing the distribution of tree cover densities on continental scales. Tree cover is admittedly a rather crude descriptor of the vegetation state. However, it is one of the most defining characteristics not only for the structure of the landscape, but also for functional characteristics such as carbon storage and albedo.Our central goal is to determine whether the frequ...