We investigate deformations of Z 2 orbifold singularities on the toroidal orbifold T 6 /(Z 2 × Z 6 ) with discrete torsion in the framework of Type IIA orientifold model building with intersecting D6-branes wrapping special Lagrangian cycles. To this aim, we employ the hypersurface formalism developed previously for the orbifold T 6 /(Z 2 × Z 2 ) with discrete torsion and adapt it to the (Z 2 × Z 6 × ΩR) point group by modding out the remaining Z 3 subsymmetry and the orientifold projection ΩR. We first study the local behaviour of the Z 3 ×ΩR invariant deformation orbits under non-zero deformation and then develop methods to assess the deformation effects on the fractional three-cycle volumes globally. We confirm that D6-branes supporting U Sp(2N ) or SO(2N ) gauge groups do not constrain any deformation, while deformation parameters associated to cycles wrapped by D6-branes with U (N ) gauge groups are constrained by D-term supersymmetry breaking. These features are exposed in global prototype MSSM, Left-Right symmetric and Pati-Salam models first constructed in [1,2], for which we here count the number of stabilised moduli and study flat directions changing the values of some gauge couplings. Finally, we confront the behaviour of tree-level gauge couplings under non-vanishing deformations along flat directions with the one-loop gauge threshold corrections at the orbifold point and discuss phenomenological implications, in particular on possible LARGE volume scenarios and the corresponding value of the string scale M string , for the same global D6-brane models.