To understand the "self-trapping" mechanism inducing spatio-temporal pattern formations observed in the experiment of [19] for bacterial motion, the following density-suppressed motility modelwas proposed in [6,19], where u(x, t) and v(x, t) represent the densities of bacteria and the chemical emitted by the bacteria, respectively; γ(v) is called the motility function satisfying γ ′ (v) < 0 and a, b > 0 are positive constants accounting for the growth and death rates of bacterial cells. The analysis of the above system is highly non-trivial due to the cross-diffusion and possible degeneracy resulting from the nonlinear motility function γ(v) and mathematical progresses on the global well-posedness and asymptotics of solutions were just made recently. Among other things, the purpose of this paper is to consider a specialized motility function γ(v) = MSC2020: 35B51, 35C07, 35K57, 35K65, 35Q92, 92C17.