We investigate the hydrostatic approximation of a hyperbolic version of Navier-Stokes equations, which is obtained by using Cattaneo type law instead of Fourier law, evolving in a thin strip R × (0, ε). The formal limit of these equations is a hyperbolic Prandtl type equation. We first prove the global existence of solutions to these equations under a uniform smallness assumption on the data in Gevrey 2 class. Then we justify the limit globally-in-time from the anisotropic hyperbolic Navier-Stokes system to the hyperbolic Prandtl system with such Gevrey 2 class data. Compared with [27] for the hydrostatic approximation of 2-D classical Navier-Stokes system with analytic data, here the initial data belong to the Gevrey 2 class, which is very sophisticated even for the well-posedness of the classical Prandtl system (see [14,32]), furthermore, the estimate of the pressure term in the hyperbolic Prandtl system arises additional difficulties.