By deemphasizing the role of nuclear weapons in US security policy, the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) could lead India to slow or halt the growth of its nuclear weapons capabilities and to adopt a less assertive nuclear doctrine; however, the NPR is unlikely to have this effect on India's nuclear program. This is the case for two reasons. First, Indian leaders do not seek to emulate US nuclear behavior; they formulate policy based primarily on their assessment of the security threats facing India. Second, Indians do not think that the NPR augurs major changes in US nuclear policy. Thus, it will not alter the international strategic environment sufficiently to enable India to relax its nuclear posture. In fact, Indian strategists believe that the new US policy fails even to match India's current degree of nuclear restraint. Therefore, according to Indian experts, the NPR will have little impact on India.Of the five main goals of the Obama administration's 2010 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), preventing nuclear proliferation and terrorism pertains most directly to India. The NPR's other goals focus primarily on US concerns regarding its own nuclear arsenal and ability to deter threats to its security and to that of its allies. 1 Even preventing proliferation and terrorism has only limited relevance in the Indian context. India already possesses nuclear weapons; thus, there is nothing that the NPR can do to reduce the likelihood that India will acquire them. 2 Furthermore, India has never spread nuclear weapons, materials, or technologies to third parties and is not likely to change course and share them with terrorists at any point in the future. Nonetheless, by deemphasizing the role of nuclear weapons in US security policy, through such specific measures as highlighting reductions in the size of the US nuclear arsenal and moving the United States further toward a nofirst-use (NFU) posture, the NPR could have beneficial effects. For example, it could help to slow or halt the growth of India's existing nuclear capabilities and encourage India to avoid destabilizing nuclear doctrines. As I explain below, however, the NPR is unlikely to have such an impact on India's nuclear program.