This paper addresses the sustainable design and synthesis of manufacturing processes for making algal bioproducts. We propose by far the most comprehensive superstructure capable of producing biodiesel, hydrogen, propylene glycol, glycerol-tert-butyl ether, and poly-3-hydroxybutyrate from microalgae. The major processing sections include cultivation, harvesting, lipid extraction, remnant treatment, biogas utilization, biofuel proneduction, and bioproduct manufacturing. Based on the superstructure, we integrate a cradle-to-gate life cycle analysis and techno-economic analysis with multiobjective optimization to simultaneously optimize the environmental and economic performance. We also apply a tailored global optimization algorithm to efficiently solve the problem in reasonable computation times. Results show that the most environmentally sustainable processes reduce life cycle greenhouse gas emissions per kilogram of the algal bioproducts by 5% to 63%, compared with petrochemical counterparts. In addition, the coproduction of value-added bioproducts in the algal glycerol process helps reduce the biodiesel production cost to as low as $2.79 per gasoline-gallon-equivalent. a complete superstructure which not only incorporates existing technologies for the conversion of algal biodiesel, but also takes advantage of the versatile glycerol and converts it on site to environmentally sustainable and value-added bioproducts. Process integration is an important method in sustainable process design to explore the possibilities of improving the overall process efficiency by utilizing waste streams and ultimately reduce the overall expenditure and environmental impacts of the entire process.Bioproduct manufacturing production has the potential for boosting the algal biodiesel performance by utilizing byproducts in transesterification and generating carbon dioxide feed for microalgae growth. The aim of the current work, therefore, is to explore the potential environmental and economic benefits for the production of both biodiesel and value-added bioproducts from microalgae.In order to bridge the research gap, we develop by far the most comprehensive superstructure, which is able to produce biodiesel and four types of bioproducts, including hydrogen, propylene glycol (PG), glycerol-tert-butyl ether (GE), and poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB). In particular, the hydrogen can be produced by either steam reforming, autothermal reforming, or aqueous-phase reforming. The superstructure also includes a methanol synthesis process in the biogas utilization section. Additionally, we simulate the lipid extraction processes using hexane and n-butanol as extractants for data validation.Based on the proposed superstructure, a cradle-to-gate life cycle analysis (LCA) is performed to account for the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with three life cycle stages, namely feedstock acquisition, transportation, and algal biodiesel and bioproduct manufacturing. Following a life cycle optimization methodology, we further integrate the...