Nearshore marine habitats are productive and vulnerable owing to their connections to pelagic and terrestrial landscapes. To understand how ocean basinâ and localâscale conditions may influence nearshore species, we developed an annual index of nearshore production (spanning the period 1972â2010) from growth increments recorded in otoliths of representative pelagicâfeeding (Black Rockfish Sebastes melanops) and benthicâfeeding (Kelp Greenling Hexagrammos decagrammus) nearshoreâresident fishes at nine sites in the California Current and Alaska Coastal Current systems. We explored the influence of basinâ and localâscale conditions across all seasons at lags of up to 2 years to represent changes in prey quantity (1â or 2âyear time lags) and quality (withinâyear relationships). Relationships linking fish growth to basinâscale (Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Pacific Gyre Oscillation, and multivariate El NiñoâSouthern Oscillation index) and localâscale (sea surface temperature, sea surface height anomalies, upwelling index, photosynthetically active radiation, and freshwater discharge) environmental conditions varied by species and current system. Growth of Black Rockfish increased with cool basinâscale conditions in the California Current and warm localâscale conditions in the Alaska Coastal Current, consistent with existing hypotheses linking climate to pelagic production on continental shelves in the respective regions. Relationships for Kelp Greenlings in the California Current were complex, with faster growth related to withinâyear warm conditions and laggedâyear cool conditions. These opposing, lagâdependent relationships may reflect differences in conditions that promote quantity versus quality of benthic invertebrate prey in the California Current. Thus, we hypothesize that benthic production is maximized by alternating cool and warm years, as benthic invertebrate recruitment is food limited during warm years while growth is temperature limited by cool years in the California Current. On the other hand, Kelp Greenlings grew faster during and subsequent to warm conditions at basin and local scales in the Alaska Coastal Current.
Received November 3, 2015; accepted May 5, 2016