Human observers can simultaneously encode direction information at two different scales, one local (an individual dot) and one global (the coherent motion of a field of dots distributed over a 10°_ diameter display). We assessed whether encoding global motion would preclude the encoding of a local trajectory component and vice versa. In the present experiments, a large number (100-150) of dots were randomly assigned directions in each frame from a uniform distribution of directions spanning a range of 160°to create global motion in a single direction (Williams & Sekuler, 1984). Amidst these background dots, 1 dot moved in a consistent direction (trajectory) for the duration of the display. The direction of this "trajectory dot" was similar to the mean direction of the distribution of directions detennining the movement of the background dots. Direction discrimination for both the global motion and the trajectory was measured, using the method of constant stimuli, under precued and postcued partial report conditions. A low-or high-frequency 85-msec tone signaled which motion the subject was to judge. In the precue condition, the tone was presented 200 msec before the onset of the stimulus, whereas in the postcue condition, the tone was presented immediately after the offset of the stimulus. Direction discrimination thresholds for both global and local motion in the postcued condition were not significantly different from those obtained in the precued condition. These results suggest that direction information for both global and local motion is encoded simultaneously and that the observer has access to either motion signal after the presentation of a stimulus.As we navigate through our environment, our visual system is bombarded with motion information at many different scales. At the largest scale-the entire visual fielda stationary background will produce an optic flow field (Gibson, 1966) that provides information about the layout ofthe surroundings. At a smaller scale, an individual moving object will trace out a smooth path that is superimposed upon the background motion. The smoothness of the object's path is due to inertia, which restricts a moving object from rapidly changing its direction or speed. How does our visual system deal with information about the background's motion and about the motion ofan individual object on that background? Can we identify the motion ofthe moving object while simultaneously processing the backgound's motion?The present experiments were designed to determine how well the human visual system encodes simultaneously presented background motion and individual element motion by measuring the precision of direction discrimination judgments. In the past, many studies evaluating humans' abilities to process information at different scales This research was supported by AFOSR Grant F49620-95-1-0265. Correspondence should be addressed to S. N. 1. Watarnaniuk, Psychology Department, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45435 (e-mail: couched in terms of gl...