In the context of design studies for future pp colliders, we present a set of predictions for average soft-QCD event properties for pp collisions at E CM = 14, 27, and 100 TeV. The current default Monash 2013 tune of the Pythia 8.2 event generator is used as the baseline for the extrapolations, with uncertainties evaluated via variations of cross-section parametrisations, PDFs, MPI energy-scaling parameters, and colour-reconnection modelling, subject to current LHC constraints. The observables included in the study are total and inelastic cross sections, inelastic average energy and track densities per unit pseudorapidity (inside |η| ≤ 6), average track p ⊥ , and jet cross sections for 50-and 100-GeV anti-k T jets with ∆R = 0.4, using aMC@Nlo in conjunction with Pythia 8 for the latter.