We introduce a new class of the triangular (multi-input and multi-output) control systems, of O.D.E., which are not feedback linearizable, and investigate its global behavior. The triangular form introduced is a generalization of the classes of triangular systems, considered before. For our class, we solve the problem of global robust controllability. Combining our main result with that of [F.H. Clarke, Yu.S. Ledyaev, E.D. Sontag, A.I. Subbotin, Asymptotic controllability implies feedback stabilization, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 42 (1997) 1394-1407], we obtain a corollary on the global discontinuous sampled stabilization (an example showing that global smooth stabilization can be irrelevant to the singular case is considered). To prove our main result, we apply a certain "back-stepping" algorithm and combine the technique proposed in [V.I. Korobov, S.S. Pavlichkov, W.H. Schmidt, Global robust controllability of the triangular integro-differential Volterra systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 309 (2005) 743-760] with solving a specific problem of global "practical stabilization" by means of a discontinuous, time-varying feedback law.