De elop e t Geog aph a d Child e s Geog aphies ha e e o e disti t su -disciplines in their own right, yet despite a number of cross-cutting concerns, the theoretical and practical insights of both have only more recently become explicitly shared. I use a case study of an environmental education project with young people in Tanzania to illustrate how a perspective that draws from both Child e s a d De elop e t Geog aphies can deliver significant challenges to both fields, yet also reveals important insights into the lives of young people in the global South. Young people in Tanzania hold distinct environmental knowledges compared to adults, learnt through projects and s hools hi h a e fo used o o se atio of the atu al e i o e t. This aises halle ges for critical Development Geographies, as ou g people appea to hold do i a t Weste k o ledges, et the a e also a gi al a to s in society. Fo Child e s Geog aphies, this provokes questions about whether the knowledges of young people should be challenged. Local social hierarchies also govern spaces of knowledge expression. Young people can be more empowered to express their knowledge in the formal spaces of the school compared to the wider community, such that formal spaces may offer more empowering potential. This runs counter to the general thrust of Child e s and Development Geographies, often championing informal, local knowledges and spaces. There is a need to re-think education for young people in Tanzania in terms of its potential for their 2 empowerment, but also to reconsider some of the fundamental assumptions about childhood and local community development which pervade both Child e s a d De elop e t Geog aphies.
KeywordsChild e s Geographies; Development Geographies; Participation; Empowerment; Local knowledge; Education
I troductio : Childre 's Develop e t Geographies?Interdisciplinary enquiry has become imperative to current research agendas, yet within the discipline of Geography there are sub-disciplines which should, arguably, be more engaged than they currently are. There is a danger that knowledges within Geography become sub-divided and pigeon-holed such that, despite some important cross-cutting issues, little productive The primary aim of this paper is to drive forward some of the budding debates by illustrating how an approach with an overt concern for both fields can have significant insights which might otherwise be overlooked.
Different Geographies?Poor Although there have been calls for inter-sub-disciplinary engagement, significant crossover material does e ist. Those ith a e pli it i te est i Child e s Geog aphies ha e ee o e ed ith themes which are important to Development Geographies, including the place of young people as a gi al a to s Pai ; "utto , ith atte tio to e e da spatialities of hildhood Ho e e , the e a e o te po a e a ples of esea h ith a e pli it o e fo Child e s There has been a significant contribution to understanding the lives of young people in the global South from beyond the discipline of Geography. Boyden (20...