LcI [2DG]t dt o [glucose] MAT ERIALS AND METHODSby which these conditions retard fetal growth and the processes th at are responsible for the neonatal hypoglycemia are not completely understood.Maternal uterine art ery ligati on has frequentl y been used to study the consequences of redu ced uterine blood flow on the fetu s. Th is procedur e severely retard s fetal growth in the rat (4-10). Previou s studies using this model have suggested that lim ited fetal nutrient availability and altered placental gaseous excha nge play important roles in the impairm ent of fetal growt h (5, 6). Restricted glucose delivery to th e developing fetus lead s to low levels of glucose, th e primary fetal metabolic substrate, and insulin, an important fetal growt h ho rm one (6). Uterine artery ligati on has been show n to pr odu ce fetal hypo xia, hypercapnia, and acidosis (6), which likely affect both cellular metabolism and fetal growth. This m odel is also associated with reduced glycogen sto res and delayed inductio n of gluco neogenic en zyme s (7,8). Th ese processes also app ear to be importa nt facto rs in th e development of hypoglycem ia in the small-for-gestationa l-age newborn ( I I, 12). Ho wever, sm all-for-gestati on al-age human infants may ha ve increa sed metabolic rat es (13, 14) and rapid clearance ofi.v. adm inistered glucose (15, 16), which could also contribute to the development of hypoglycemia.The effects of uterine artery ligation on fetal GU rem ain unknown. Knowledge of th ese effects may further define th e mechanisms responsible for altered fetal glucose homeostasis, IUGR, and neonatal hyp oglycemia. Studies of fetal GU, however, would be incomplete if individual tissue responses to ut erine artery ligation were not co nside red. Fetal brain growth is m inimally, if at all, affected by th is procedure, whereas hepatic growth is mark edly impaired (4, 5). Therefore, the effects on GU of individua l tissues may differ. Furthermore, these effects m ay change with tim e after the procedure. We therefore performed un ilateral uterine artery ligat ion s on pregnant rat s and measured GU of several major fetal tissues from fetu ses in the ligated and nonli gated ut erin e horn s at 24 and 48 h after ligation .We used a modification of SokolofT's 2DG method to measu re fetal rat tissue G U (17)(18)(19). 2DG is transported into th e cell and phosphorylated by hexokinase or glucokinase in a manner similar to glucose. Becau se of th e absence of the hydroxyl group at position 2, the phosph orylated product, 2DG6 P, is not furth er metab olized (17). Th e accum ulation of 2DG6P within a tissue can therefore be used to determ ine G U . The standard equa tion to measure GU of a parti cular tissue after an i.v. puls e of 2DG is:where [2DG6P] is the tissue con centration of 2DG6P at time T , 464 Abbreviations C U, glucose utilization IUCR, intrauterine growth retardation LC, lumped constant P k , placental discrimination constant 2DC, 2-deoxyglucose 2DC6P, 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate ABSTRACT. We studied the effects ...