Fetal growth and development are dependent upon the adequate provision of oxygen and substrates from the maternal circulation. The need for amino acids is related to protein synthesis, interconversion to other substrates, and oxidation. Amino acids cross the placenta by active transport systems, and their concentrations in the fetus are higher than in the mother. In addition, most amino acids are extensively metabolized within the placenta, and, for some nonessential amino acids, placental synthesis has been demonstrated in chronically catheterized fetal lambs. Interorgan cycling between the fetal liver and placenta has been hypothesized for nonessential amino acids like glycine and serine. Amino acids are oxidized within the fetal tissues, particularly in liver and muscle, with differences between amino acids and in relation to metabolic state. In human pregnancies, maternal-fetal transfer rates have been investigated in vivo by stable isotope methodologies performed at fetal blood sampling. The transfer rate of nonessential amino acids like glycine is significantly lower than for essential amino acids like leucine, confirming glycine synthesis in the fetoplacental unit also in human pregnancies. Moreover, when a steady state model is applied, the fetal-maternal ratio for [1-13 C]leucine is significantly reduced in pregnancies associated with intrauterine growth restriction, reflecting a decrease in leucine placental transfer and/or an increase in protein catabolism in the fetoplacental unit. This reduction is proportional to the degree of severity of intrauterine growth restriction but is significant also in those intrauterine growthrestricted fetuses with normal oxygenation and acid-base status. Amino acids represent key nutrients during intrauterine life. Placental mechanisms accounting for amino acid transfer from the mother to the fetus have been thoroughly described in the last 20 y. The relevance of these mechanisms to fetal growth is strongly suggested by a number of studies demonstrating differences in amino acid placental transfer and metabolism occurring in human pregnancies associated with IUGR. The primary objective of this review is to integrate this recent information obtained in human pregnancies with the wide knowledge that has developed around the animal model. Some years ago, it seemed adventurous to propose the concept that pregnancy represented a metabolic state of not just a mother and a fetus but a three-compartment model of motherplacenta-fetus. The most-used animal model to study the relative contributions of each of these compartments to amino acid metabolism has been the pregnant sheep, principally because it is feasible in this species to catheterize chronically the maternal and fetal circulations.Uterine and umbilical uptakes can be calculated using an application of the Fick principle (1) as the product of concentration differences across the uterine circulation (uterine arterial concentration-uterine venous concentration) or the umbilical circulation (umbilical venous concentratio...