DOI: 10.1007/s10930-011-9307-3
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Glycation of the Muscle-Specific Enolase by Reactive Carbonyls: Effect of Temperature and the Protection Role of Carnosine, Pirydoxamine and Phosphatidylserine

Abstract: Reactive carbonyls such as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE), trans-2-nonenal (T2 N), acrolein (ACR) can react readily with nucleophilic protein sites forming of advanced glycation end-products (AGE). In this study, the human and pig muscle-specific enolase was used as a protein model for in vitro modification by 4-HNE, T2 N and ACR. While the human enolase interaction with reactive α-oxoaldehyde methylglyoxal (MOG) was demonstrated previously, the effect of 4-HNE, T2N and ACR has not been identified yet. Altering i… Show more

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Cited by 20 publications
(17 citation statements)
References 53 publications
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“…[218] A similar behavior was found with several other reactive carbonyl derivatives, such as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, trans-2-nonenal, and acrolein. [219] Finally, sodium fluoride was reported as an inorganic inhibitor of human neuronal enolase, where it was found to tightly bind the Mg 2+ ions together with inorganic phosphate (P i ), hence forming stable complexes in the enzyme active site, which may be represented by the formula enolase·Mg 2 ·F 2 ·P i . [220] …”
Section: Glycolytic Effectors As Potential Targets In Cancer Therapymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…[218] A similar behavior was found with several other reactive carbonyl derivatives, such as 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, trans-2-nonenal, and acrolein. [219] Finally, sodium fluoride was reported as an inorganic inhibitor of human neuronal enolase, where it was found to tightly bind the Mg 2+ ions together with inorganic phosphate (P i ), hence forming stable complexes in the enzyme active site, which may be represented by the formula enolase·Mg 2 ·F 2 ·P i . [220] …”
Section: Glycolytic Effectors As Potential Targets In Cancer Therapymentioning
confidence: 99%
“…aldose sugars [104, 105], malondialdehyde [106], methylglyoxal [107, 108], glycolaldehyde [105], HNE [109], acrolein [110], and ONE [111] in vitro . In the early literature, carnosine was presumed to act as a sacrificial sink due to its structural similarity with liable proteins [104].…”
Section: Reaction Of Histidine Dipeptides With Aldehydesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, the reactions between histidine dipeptides and these aldehydes are implied in studies showing that carnosine protects proteins from attack by methylglyoxal [107, 108] and glycolaldehyde [105]. Due to the biological importance of carbohydrate-derived aldehydes, it is important to identify the products and elucidate reaction mechanisms of histidine dipeptides and these aldehydes.…”
Section: Reaction Of Histidine Dipeptides With Aldehydesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The in vitro ability of carnosine to inhibit AGEs and ALEs induced by a variety of RCS and including reducing sugars was then confirmed by several other studies. More recently, Pietkiewicz et al (2011) used human and pig muscle-specific enolase as a protein model for in vitro modification by HNE, nonenal, acrolein, GO and MGO and found that carnosine counteracted AGEs formation and protected enolase against total loss of catalytic activity. Carnosine and related peptides were found effective in reducing AGEs as determined fluorometrically and formed by incubating albumin and collagen with peritoneal dialysis fluids from uremic patients (Alhamdani et al 2007a).…”
Section: Carnosine Prevents Ales and Ages Formationmentioning
confidence: 99%