We performed histochemical studies on normal human and rat tissues using anti-GalP1,4GlcNAc a2,6-~ialyItransferase (a2,6-ST) antibody and Sambucusnigra agglutinin (SNA). a2,6-ST and its products were detected in almost all tissues examined. However, the staining intensities varied significantly with di&rent cell types. Some seaetory epithelial cells, such as hepatocytes and choroid plexus cells, were vividly stained with either anti-aZ.6-ST or SNA. In several cell types the intensity of a2,6-ST staining did not always correlate with SNA stainability. Neurons and gastrointestinal epithelia were rarely stained with SNA, even though they were positive for a2,6-ST. In contrast, the endothelial cells of blood vessels strongly reacted with SNA despite their weak a2,6-ST expression. The precise physiological roles played by a2,6-linked sialylated glycoconjugates have been unclear. However, the fmdiags desaibed here lend fiuther support to their important role in cell growth and difkrentiation, since immature blood cells, including megakaryocytes in bone marrow, were intensely stained with anti-al,dST and SNA, and SNA reaction praducts were primarily observed in the basal and suprabasal layers of the stratified epithelia rather than in the more a e n t i a t e d upper layers. In view of the vivid reactivity ofantLa2,CST io the decidual cells of the placenta, it seem likely that a2,6-ST expression is under hormonal control. (J I l i s t d e m C y t d e m 43945-954, 1995)