The crystal structure of 1,5-anhydro-2,3,4,6-tetra-O-benzyl-1-hydrazi-d-glucitol (2) is reported and compared with the structures of other diaziridines. It is the first crystal structure of an N,N-unsubstituted diaziridine, noncoordinated at the N-atom, and the first crystal structure of a C-alkoxy-diaziridine. Although there is considerable shortening of the C(5)OÀC(1) bond, there is no asymmetry in the C(1)ÀN bond length, the C(5)O, C(1), C(2) plane bisecting the NÀN bond. The C(1)ÀN bonds appear to be slightly shorter and the NÀN bond longer than the average for diaziridines, although the structural data for diaziridines do not lend themselves to unequivocal interpretation.