To elucidate the differences in the catalytic activities of two different polymer-stabilized Au cluster catalysts, Au:PVP and Au:PAA in the aerobic oxidation of p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, the characteristics of these two kinds of polymer-stabilized Au nanocluster (Au NC) catalysts were investigated theoretically. The results of DFT and MD calculations showed that the coordination structures of the polymers onto the Au cluster play an important role for this difference. 68 In order to elucidate the catalytic activity of Au:PVP catalysts, we had performed hybrid density functional theory (DFT) calculations for the Au:PVP model systems, 9 which showed that electron donation from the adsorbed model PVP molecules (ethylpyrrolidone; EP) to Au 13 produces negatively charged O 2 on the Au 13 -EP 4 model system. These results suggest that PVP acts as not only a stabilizer but also an electron donor to Au clusters.Additionally, Tsukuda et al. reported that the Au NCs stabilized by poly(allylamine) [PAA; (C 3 H 5 NH 3 ) n ], abbreviated as Au:PAA, can also selectively oxidize p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol to the corresponding aldehyde under the same conditions; however, its activity is much lower than that of Au:PVP.7 At present, little is known about the reason for this difference in the catalytic activity between Au:PVP and Au:PAA. To elucidate this difference, the characteristics of these two types of polymerstabilized Au NC catalysts were investigated using DFT and molecular dynamics (MD) calculations.To examine the heterojunction effect between the polymer model molecules and Au NCs, DFT calculations were performed using B3LYP functional. The scalar relativistic effective core potential (ECP) with double-zeta basis sets (LANL2DZ) for all gold atoms and 6-31G 1, 2, 3) were used as the model systems investigated. EP and PA were used for the model compounds for PVP and PAA, respectively, because it was difficult to theoretically deal with real polymers. All the geometries for the model systems were fully optimized except for the O 2 -adsorbed models, in which the structure of the Au 13 -EPs or the Au 13 -PAs moiety was fixed and the position of the adsorbed O 2 molecule was optimized. For these calculations, Gaussian09 program suite was used.
10All MD simulations were performed by AMBER 14 program. 11 We used the AMBER GAFF (Version 1.7, Nov 2013) for polymers, and the TIP3P model for water molecules. Additionally, the values in Table 5 of ref 12 were used for the van der Waals (vdW) parameters for Au, and the other Au-related parameters were prepared using the DFT calculations. We first minimized the energy of the water molecules for 5000 steps and then minimized the energy of entire model systems for 5000 steps. Next, we raised the temperature of the model systems to 300 K under NTP conditions to obtain the equilibrium states. Finally, we performed replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) 13 simulations for the model system under NVT condition for 4 ns, with temperatures ranging from 294 to 441 K for the Au 55 :PVP, fro...