From the start, Elise was determined to be a good mentor and right away established a biweekly project meeting. I sometimes wonder whether she has kept all the notes she made during those meetings which, in my mind, could easily be turned into a book entitledMemoires of a PhD-Supervisor. Elise patiently commented on my first scribblings that slowly but surely turned into something one could call 'research results'. Thanks to her detailed comments she was always prepared to give, I am where I am now. I am deeply grateful to have had her as my supervisor.The meetings with my second supervisor Ewout Frankema were less frequent but always helpful. Ewout never minced his words, said what he had to say in a mixture of Dutch and English (I doubt whether he notices he does that), and sometimes came running back five minutes after a meeting because he forgot to end on a positive note: "but you're doing great!" I have always truly appreciated his straightforwardness and honesty because it made me aware of my strengths and my weaknesses.One month after I started working in Wageningen, our two-person PhD-group was expanded by the joyous arrival of three new PhD's: Angus, Kostadis, and Michiel. Ewout and Elise obviously liked the idea of a large family because soon after, Kate and Kleoniki arrived.It has been a privilege to be part of this amazing group. Nicknames were unavoidable and were determined by fate, or rather, by Angus. Baby Mouse, Butter, Count, Mister Buns, the Vulcano, Wangus, and Kleoniki (STILL no good nickname for her unfortunately) were a nice collection of personalities. Our group was heavily bruised when Louella left. It still makes me sad that we did not get the chance to finish together what we started together. Still, our chair 6 group kept on growing: Dácil, Daniëlle, Harm, Jop, and Pim joined the group as well.Together with the RHI-old-timers Anton, Frans, Leandre, and Piet, and our secretaries Carry and Sandra, the group became how I will remember it.I am greatly indebted to all of my colleagues, but some of them in particular. Jop has taught me everything I know about excel. With unprecedented patience, he taught me how to solve the problems I encountered. Furthermore, writing an article together has been an educational experience, the fruits of which can be found in the second chapter of this dissertation. Michiel and Kate always had an unshakable faith in me (so they said), much more than I ever had myself. It has been great to have them around for the occasional pep talk and feedback on my work.The N.W. Posthumus Institute has been a nice platform to receive feedback and to share the joys and sorrows of being a PhD-student with my peers. Many thanks to 'cohort 2013' and also to Angélique Janssens, Ben Gales, and Jan Luiten van Zanden for being critical 'expert commentators' at the various Posthumus conferences.My three-month stay in Oxford during the final year of my PhD has been an inspiring experience. I was touched by the open arms of the M-Phil students, D-Phil students, and staff who welcome...