The digital world is changing at an extraordinary phase. The never-ending advances in new information and communication technologies (ICT) have more than ever changed the way in which we live, communicate, and process information. This has reshaped our habits to cope with a world constantly demanding new daily virtual experiences. People of all ages are in need to grip these experiences in one way or another. Regarding the advances in ICT, the internet alongside digital and social media have created whole new possibilities to gather real-time data and store valuable information while being virtually connected at all times. This postulates an evident challenge for companies to capitalize on the possibilities of digital marketing media and an opportunity to reach customers effectively using metadata and other resources virtually available. In this chapter, the authors used OLS regressions using Google Trends query data from 2008 to 2016 to measure the growing interest in digital marketing and other related topics and the monetization of such interest in the Spanish media sector.