No modelo de isquemia-reperfusão, o mesmo efeito anti-inflamatório da GQ-11 foi observado ao lado de efeitos anti-oxidantes através da regulação de enzimas como catalase, GPx e diminuição de TBARS. O imageamento dos animais através de tomografia por emissão de pósitrons (PET) demonstrou menor captação de 18 F-FDG ( 18 F-fluordesoxiglicose), indicando diminuição do processo inflamatório decorrente da reperfusão pós clampeamento aórtico.Dessa forma, conclui-se que GQ-11, um agonista dual de PPAR/, tem efeito anti-inflamatório importante, podendo ser um candidato à fármaco com possível aplicação no reparo tecidual no diabetes e na prevenção da síndrome de isquemia-reperfusão desenvolvida após procedimentos cirúrgicos.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Tiazolidinadionas, Inflamação, Reparo Tecidual, Isquemia/Reperfusão. 10 ABSTRACT SILVA, J.C. Modulation of Inflammation and angiogenesis by a new thiazolidine compound (GQ-11) in visceral ischemia. 2019. 120p. (PhD thesis) -The thiazolidinediones (TZDs) class comprises drugs with hypoglycemic effects, reducing insulin resistance in peripheral tissues. Our group has demonstrated in preliminary in vivo studies that a new TZD, GQ-11, improves insulin resistance as well as modulates cytokines involved in inflammatory process, suggesting an interesting approach for therapeutic alternatives in tissue repair, especially in metabolic decompensation cases, as insulin resistance and ischemia-reperfusion. In this context, the aim of this study was to investigate GQ-11 effects in tissue repair in three different models: insulin resistance in db/db mice, reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) in glycated collagen matrix and ischemia/reperfusion induced by aorta clamping in Wistar rats.In insulin resistance context, GQ-11 treatment upregulated the expression of anti-inflammatory mediators, such as IL-10, TGF- and Arg-1, downregulated the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines both in db/db mice wounds and in macrophage, besides increasing re-epithelization and collagen deposition. In addition, the treatment also induced keratinocytes proliferation and fibroblasts differentiation in RHE.In ischemia-reperfusion model, the same anti-inflammatory effect was observed along with anti-oxidant properties through regulation of enzymes, such as catalase and GPx, as well as by decreasing TBARS formation. Animals imaging by positron emission tomography (PET) indicated significant less 18 F-
11FDG uptake in animal treated with GQ-11 compared to controls, suggesting decrease of the inflammation process related to reperfusion after aorta clamping.Concluding, the dual PPAR/ agonist GQ-11 has an important antiinflammatory effect, suggesting a new approach to tissue repair management in diabetes and in prevention of ischemia-reperfusion syndrome post-surgery.