Abstract. In this paper, we propose a technique for the application of the crossover operator that generates multiple descendants from two parents and selects the two best offspring to replace the parents in the new population. In RUGHU WR VWXG\ WKH SURSRVDO ZH SUHVHQW GLIIHUHQW LQVWDQFHV EDVHG RQ WKH %/; crossover operator for real-coded genetic algorithms. In particular, we investigate the influence of the number of generated descendants in this operator, the QXPEHU RI HYDOXDWLRQV DQG WKH YDOXH IRU WKH SDUDPHWHU $QDO\]LQJ WKH Hxperimentation that we have carried out, we can observe that it is possible, with multiple descendants, to achieve a suitable balance between the explorative SURSHUWLHV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK %/; DQG WKH KLJK VHOHFWLYH SUHVVXUH DVVRFLDWHG WR the selection of the two best descendants.