Objectives. To enhance student curricular satisfaction, position students for multiple career options, and counter the national deficit in pharmacy faculty members by creating a research elective for students enrolled in a first-professional degree PharmD program. Design. The research track consists of 12 credit hours of didactic, seminar, and research courses. This concentration option entails graduate-level coursework and 2 consecutive semesters of attending a graduate seminar course and conducting independent but faculty-mentored basic science or pharmacy administration research. Assessment. Current PharmD students and recent PharmD graduates provided feedback on their experience via e-mail, telephone or in person. Conclusion. In its second year of existence, the Duquesne University pharmaceutical sciences research track option has been positively received by PharmD students, has successfully directed PharmD students toward research-based careers, and may serve as a template for similar concentrations at other colleges and schools of pharmacy.