For geochemical purposes, complex aluminum compounds in coal organic matter in different types of coal were identified by solid state nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of 27 Al. Low ash samples of anthracites, bituminous coals and altered coals from the Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, China and Australia were tested; further, low ash lignite and xylite from the Czech Republic and gagatite from Poland were analyzed. In acquired 27 Al MAS NMR spectra, two significant peaks at chemical shifts were recorded, at 3.5 -4 and 13.5 -15 ppm. It was found that the significant peak at chemical shift at 3.5 -4 ppm in spectra of bituminous coals, lignite, gagatite and a thermally weakly altered coal corresponds to that obtained for triaquo-hydroxo-diphenoxidoAluminum(III) complex. The existence of triaquo-triphenoxido-Aluminum(III) complex in the spectra of anthracites, some bituminous coals and another thermally altered coal can be approved by the chemical shift at 13.5 -15 ppm. These findings indicate that at least two different Al complexes were identified in coal organic matter. Further it was found that these complexes are concentrated in vitrinite fraction (alicyclic-aromatic part of coal), notably in collotelinite (gelified and homogenous vitrinite constituent). Ways of Al complexes formation in coal are suggested and their thermal stability is discussed.