Triticunaestivun is considered a high yield crop, climate factors, handling and nutrition can compromise its yield. Regarding the nutrition of T. aestivun, nitrogen is a limiting factor in production, being one of the most absorbed and required elements. Nitrogen deficiency interferes with the growth and development of the plant, because this element is fundamental in the formation of compounds, like all proteins and nucleic acids. The objective of this research was to evaluate the wheat production components with the application of nitrogen in different doses and times and thus to indicate the appropriate management for the application of this nutrient in the crop under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Southwest region of Paraná. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, with plots subdivided into five replicates. The treatments were composed of four nitrogen doses (0, 50, 100, 200 kg ha -1 ) and three application stages (tillering, booting and grouting). The variables evaluated were the severity of the disease (%), plant height (cm), fresh plant mass (kg ha -1 ), plant dry mass (kg ha -1 ), number of growing spikes (m 2 ), yield (ha -1 ), number of spikelets per ear, weight of grain and weight of hectoliters. The results were submitted to analysis of variance using the Assistat statistical program for later comparison of the means by regression analysis. There was interaction between treatments for fresh and dry mass varied. The number of cultivars, plant height (cm), spikelets per spike, peaks per m2 and yield (ha -1 ) were significant for the doses. As to the severity of the diseases and the weight of the hectoliters, they did not present any significance. The highest productivity was obtained with the application of 110.4 kg ha -1 in the cropping of the crop. However, the need to develop further studies to suit the most ideal phenological stage for nitrogen application as well as the dose.