The CSG classifier (Classifier based on Simple Granules of Knowledge) is the rough set method based on the usage of rough mereology indiscernibility classes in the classification process. The classified objects are covered by r-indiscernible objects, which are involved in voting for decision. This simple method designed for symbolic data works surprisingly effective, what was proven in our previous works. The classifier among others turned out to be resistant for damages because it can absorb missing values. Seeing the effectiveness of boosting scheme with the rough set methodology, we were motivated to conduct a series of experiments to check the behaviour of our CSG method in the Ensemble model. In this article, we have checked Arcing, Bootstrap Committee (The Pure Bagging) and Ada-Boost with the Monte Carlo split. For experimentations, we have chosen the selected data from the UCI Repository. The results show the high level of stabilisation and further potentials of boosting effect for our classifier.