Knowledge can be represented compactly in multiple ways, from a set of propositional formulas, to a Kripke model, to a database. In this paper we study the aggregation of information coming from multiple sources, each source submitting a database modelled as a first-order relational structure.In the presence of integrity constraints, we identify classes of aggregators that respect them in the aggregated database, provided these are satisfied in all individual databases. We also characterise languages for first-order queries on which the answer to a query on the aggregated database coincides with the aggregation of the answers to the query obtained on each individual database. This contribution is meant to be a first step on the application of techniques from social choice theory to knowledge representation in databases.1 Albeit we acknowledge the work of [15,35], which aggregate individual beliefs, modelled as plausibility orders, in an "Arrovian" fashion.Our Contribution. Our starting point is a set of finite relational structures on the same signature, coming from a group of agents or sources. Then, our research problem is how to obtain a collective database summarising the information received. Virtually all of the settings mentioned above (beliefs, graphs, preferences, judgments, . . . ) can be represented as databases, showing the generality of our approach. We propose a number of rules for database aggregation, some inspired by existing ones from the literature on computational social choice and belief merging, as well as a new one adapted from representations of incomplete information in databases [32]. We privilege computationally friendly aggregators, for which the time to determine the collective outcome is polynomial in the individual input received.We first evaluate these rules axiomatically, using notions imported from the literature on social choice, to provide a first classification of the agent-based properties satisfied by our proposed rules. Then, when integrity constraints are present, we study how to guarantee that a given aggregator "lifts" the integrity constraint from the individual to the collective level, i.e., the aggregated databases satisfy the same constraints as the individual ones. Specifically, we investigate which rules lift classical integrity constraints from database theory, such as functional dependencies, referential integrity and value constraints. Finally, since databases are typically queried using formulas in first-order logic, a natural question to ask in a multi-agent setting is whether the aggregation of the individual answers to a query coincides with the answer to the same query on the aggregated database. We provide a partial answer to this important problem, by identifying sufficient conditions on the first-order query language.Related Work. While we are not aware of any application of methods from social choice theory to database aggregation, possibly the closest approach to ours is the work of Baral et al. [4,5] and Konieczny [27]. In [4] the authors formalize th...