We study the parameterized complexity of a variant of the F -FREE EDIT-ING problem: Given a graph G and a natural number k, is it possible to modify at most k edges in G so that the resulting graph contains no induced subgraph isomorphic to F ? In our variant, the input additionally contains a vertex-disjoint packing H of induced subgraphs of G, which provides a lower bound h(H) on the number of edge modifications required to transform G into an F -free graph. While earlier works used the number k as parameter or structural parameters of the input graph G, we consider instead the parameter := k − h(H), that is, the number of edge modifications above the lower bound h(H). We develop a framework of generic data reduction An extended abstract of this article appeared in Theory Comput Syst rules to show fixed-parameter tractability with respect to for K 3 -FREE EDITING, FEEDBACK ARC SET IN TOURNAMENTS, and CLUSTER EDITING when the packing H contains subgraphs with bounded solution size. For K 3 -FREE EDITING, we also prove NP-hardness in case of edge-disjoint packings of K 3 s and = 0, while for K q -FREE EDITING and q ≥ 6, NP-hardness for = 0 even holds for vertex-disjoint packings of K q s. In addition, we provide NP-hardness results for F -FREE VERTEX DELETION, were the aim is to delete a minimum number of vertices to make the input graph F -free.