We consider the canonical ensemble of N -vertex Erdős-Rényi (ER) random topological graphs with quenched vertex degree, and with fugacity µ for each closed triple of bonds. We claim complete defragmentation of large-N graphs into the collection of [p −1 ] almost full subgraphs (cliques) above critical fugacity, µc, where p is the ER bond formation probability. Evolution of the spectral density, ρ(λ), of the adjacency matrix with increasing µ leads to the formation of two-zonal support for µ > µc. Eigenvalue tunnelling from one (central) zone to the other means formation of a new clique in the defragmentation process. The adjacency matrix of the ground state of a network has the block-diagonal form where number of vertices in blocks fluctuate around the mean value N p. The spectral density of the whole network in this regime has triangular shape. We interpret the phenomena from the viewpoint of the conventional random matrix model and speculate about possible physical applications.Investigation of critical and collective effects in graphs and networks has becoming a new rapidly developing interdisciplinary area, with diverse applications and variety of questions to be asked, see [1] for review. Ensembles of random Erdős-Rényi topological graphs (networks) provide an efficient laboratory for testing collective phenomena in statistical physics of complex systems, being also tightly linked to conventional random matrix theory. Besides investigating typical statistical properties of networks, like vertex degree distribution, clustering coefficients, "small world" structure etc, last two decades have been marked by rapidly growing interest in more refined graph characteristics, such as distribution of small subgraphs involving triads of vertices.Triadic interactions, being the simplest interactions beyond the free-field theory, play crucial role in the network statistics. Presence of such interactions is responsible for emergence of phase transitions in complex distributed systems. First example of a phase transition in random networks, known as Strauss clustering [2], has been treated by the Random Matrix Theory (RMT) in [3]. It was argued that, when the increasing fugacity, µ, the system develops two phases with essentially different triad concentrations. At large µ the system falls into the Strauss phase with the single clique of nodes. The condensation of triads is a non-perturbative phenomenon identified in [4] with the 1st order phase transition in the framework of mean-field cavity-like approach.Similar critical behavior was found in [5] for the vertexdegree-conserved ER graphs. It was demonstrated in the framework of the mean-field approach that the phase transition takes place in this case as well. The hysteresis for dependence of the triad concentration on the fugacity, µ also has been observed in [5]. For bi-color networks with conserved vertex degree a new phenomena of a wide plateau formation in concentration of black-white bonds as a function of the fugacity of unicolor triples of bonds has been found in...