IntroductionEnvironmental preservation has become a critical issue for the survival of the world's habitat (Oladumiye, Ogunlade and Omole, 2017). Yet, environments in third world countries like Nigeria still suffer major degradations which endanger sustainability (Odji, 2019). Increased generation and improper disposal of municipal solid wastes is a major cause of environmental degradation. However, with proper environmental awareness creation, activities which endanger the sustainability of the environment may be alleviated.Interestingly, media may be efficient in passing information and orientating members of the public on basic environmental maintenance. With the use of media, visual communication has proven to be more effective through different platforms such as television, internet, books, poster and several others to communicate to viewers. Comic-style illustration as an aspect of visual communication, emerged as a means of communicating to people on these various platform.Visual communication has been found to be superior to verbal communication when communicating environmental issues due to its ability of providing information pertaining to different occurrences when one cannot be physically present (Zeynep, 2015). Furthermore, the emergence of technology has enhanced learning process and the role of visual communication as a learning aid cannot be exempted considering the fact that it improves learning and stimulates thinking (Michael, Rosanalia and Allen 2014).Visual communication as a learning aid in the educational sector remains significant as Noha (2017) identified visual aids as an important tool for assimilating complex subject matters. Thus, identifying the ability of media to improve interaction, participation among students.However, the Nigerian population is a mixed multitude made up of both educated and grossly uneducated people who may find it very difficult to read, old and young, having careful or nonchalant attitudes towards the environment. Therefore, an effective means, which will appeal to such mixed multitude, is required.People are known to relate more with realist images as human perception of things comes from the visual observation of their surroundings (Zeynep, 2015). Although, learning has not only been useful in classroom but has also been effective among the people with little or no classroom experience. In Madagascar, Tobias (2016) findings using comic style illustration to educate farmers showed effective, as learning was made easier and language barrier was reduced. Therefore, this paper proposes graphical, comic-style, illustrations as a tool for the creation of awareness on improper waste disposal as a means of promoting environmental sustainability.